
Orthopedics is the branch of medicine concerned with the musculoskeletal system and treating injuries to bones, joints, ligaments, or tendons. Orthopedists treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions. These conditions may be present from birth, or they may occur as a result of injury or age-related wear and tear. Orthopedic medicine today uses progressive technologies, such as arthroscopic surgery, replacement arthroplasty, biomechanics of supporting-motor apparatus and others.


The most popular problems in orthopedics are:

  • Postural disorder – scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis.
  • Conformational abnormalities – nanosomia, clubfoot, congenital dislocation of the hip, arthrogryposis.
  • Joint deformation (as a result of acute or chronical processes) – osteochondrosis, arthropathy deformans, necrosis of articular head.
  • Benign disease of bony tissue – cystic lesion, tumors.
  • Different types of traumas – open and closed fractures, bones dislocation, sprains, partial or full loss of extremities.
  • Congenital or adult-onset torticollis of different etiology.
  • Splayfoot.

Medical approach in every case is different, that is why there are different specialists inside orthopedics:

  • An Orthopedist (general) –is a specialist who corrects inborn and non-heritable deformations, extend traumas, inflammatory and dystrophic pathologies of joints. A general orthopedist usually uses non-surgical therapy: wearing of prosthetic devices and orthosis, medicaments, massage, plastering and physiotherapeutic procedures. These methods of treatment allow to resolve not difficult problems (closed fracture, lateral curvature, flat foot) and alleviate more serious pathologies (spastic, cerebral spastic infantile paralysis, loss of extremities).
  • A traumatologist deals with terebrant, just received injuries: fractures, dislocations, distortions. But the difference of an orthopedist and a traumatologist is not very essential, that is why doctors usually get one specialization of a doctor-traumatologist and orthopedist at once.
  • An orthopedic surgeon treats orthopedic problems with more radical approaches. This doctor can help when non-surgical therapy does not help.

A number of symptoms can be considered as an alarm signal and in case you have them you should urgently make an appointment with an orthopedist, as these symptoms speak about serious pathologies and diseases:

  • Clicking in joints.
  • Poor joint mobility.
  • Numbness in the hands.
  • Joint arthrocele.
  • Pain in joints even during easy movements.
  • Painful feelings in back.
  • Postural disorder and a quickly appearing sensation of weariness.
  • Aching pain, body pain, coming with weather changings.

A number of diseases need systematic treatment and regular professional medical control:

  • Arthroses, going with degenerative-dystrophic changes;
  • Rheumatoid joint inflammation, system autoimmune disease;
  • Spinal column traumas;
  • Cervical hip fracture;
  • Knee or shoulder dislocation;
  • Degenerative disc disease.

Applying to our specialists in orthopedics you will be able to feel painless life again.

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