Our Services


Don’t know where to get quality medical help and have a rest?

We help you to choose a nice clinic or SPA-centre in Russia.

Don’t know what documents you need and how to arrange your treatment in Russia?

We help you to process documents and choose your own treatment planning.

Don’t know how to get an invitation letter and visa?

We issue invitation letter and help you in getting visa.

Are you afraid to be lost in a new country and feel nervous about Russian language?

We meet you in the airport in Russia, assist you and give you language support if you need.

Don’t know where to stay in Russia during your visit?

We help you with accommodation in a clinic or not far from its location.

Don’t know where to address if you have any questions?

We are always in touch with you!

Your relatives want to come with you and assist you in Russia?

We arrange their trip with you!

Don’t know how to spend your free time in Russia?

We arrange individual tourist programs, sightseeing and other activities!

You have already decided to come to Russia with «Health and Travel»?

We are always at your disposal!

Health and Travel Russia St.Petersburg Medical tourism

Please pay attention that our clients sign agreements directly with a medical Centre and pay their treatment directly there, so «Health and Travel» is not a mediator. Our services in medical Centre selection, choosing of medical program or leisure activities are free of charge.

«Health and Travel» Organization offers several packages for our clients:

  • “Basic” – Minimal package, necessary to come to Russia for treatment and rest.
  • “Standard”  - Come to Russia with more comfort. Choose your accommodation.
  • “Ultra” – Individual program for your priorities.

For more information, please feel free to contact «Health and Travel» Organization and your medical coordinator in Russia!