Health and Travel

Medical Tourism services sector is of global importance in modern world’s healthcare system. The number of foreign medical tourists is increasing every year, as hardly all people are able to get high quality modern and affordable treatment in their geographical area for a number of reasons.

«Health and Travel» Organization, having decades of successful international experience, helps foreign citizens to get high quality health care in Russia.

For our guests «Health and Travel» offers a wide variety of TOP Russian medical, spa- centers and hospitals, full and true information about each clinic. The key-role of our activity is popularization of Russian medical tourism and acceptance of foreign citizens, coming to Russia with the aim of treatment and tourism.

Toward this goal we arrange our own conferences and seminars and take part in international workshops, fairs and other events in the field of medical tourism, we arrange advertising campaigns in Asia, Africa, Europe, Near and Far East, South and North America as well as in the countries of Commonwealth of Independent States, monitor quality of medical care in Russia.

Organization «Health and Travel» offers full range of services, starting from consultancy and help in choosing of a medical centre, documentation, translation, visa assistance and etc. to medical insurance, meeting in the airports in Russia, transfer, accommodation, tourist services, assistance and guidance during the period of treatment and rest in Russia.

For foreign guests we offer different foreign languages to be in touch all time, so we can avoid language barrier and can help our guests to feel confident everywhere in Russia.

Please take note that our clients sign agreements directly with a medical centre they choose, so «Health and Travel» Organization is not a mediator.

Collaborating with us you get a right partner, a professional consultant, and a fast growth company that is responsible for its work.

You are welcome to Russia for health and rewarding experience, the rest is up to «Health and Travel» Organization!