Advantages of treatment in Russia

According to MEDICAL TOURISM INDEX (MTI) and research corporations «Oxford Economics» and «Visa» today the market of medical tourism is estimated as 439 mln. US dollars, and by 2025 it will reach 3 billions of US dollars. Along with that from World Tourism Organization of United Nations (UNWTO), Russia is on the 5th place in attraction of medical and health tourism.

In the Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of March, 1st , 2018, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin brought into focus the necessity of development of healthcare system and export of services in the field of medical tourism. The President emphasized as national aim and strategic goal the development and popularization of Russian Medical Tourism.

All this lays the groundwork for development and prosperity of medical tourism in Russia. Indeed, Russian medicine today possesses all advanced technologies, modern equipment and ages and ages of successful experience in the field of healthcare.

General Medicine in Russia has long traditions, its big step in development the medicine did in times of the Emperor Peter the Great, when from folk medicine, the medicine became scientific. From this time many hospitals and medical schools, medical department at universities and medical centers were opened. The end of XIXth, the beginning of XXth Russian medicine saw a huge progress. Russian inventions changed the world’s medicine and gave a huge impulse to development of medical sciences.

There only a few inventions of Russian medicine and doctors, whose names are inestimated:

  • 1791 The first mechanical artificial leg was invented (by Kulibin I.P);
  • 1847 Anaesthesia on site was invented (by Pirogov N.I);
  • 1866. Reflex nature of unconscious activity (Sechenov I.M.);
  • 1869 Periodic Table (Mendeleev D.I.);
  • 1876 Experimental oncology (Novinskiy М.А.);
  • 1880 Vitamines (Lunin N.I.);
  • 1892 The first virus was opened (the virus of “tobacco mosaic”, opened by Ivanovsky D.I.);
  • 1901 Conditioned reflexes were opened (Pavlov I.P.);
  • 1901 Phagocytic theory of immunity (by Mechnikov I.I.);
  • 1905 Method of blood pressure measuring (Korotkov N.S.);
  • 1925 cardiac pump «autojector» (by Brukhonenko S.S.);
  • 1930 The first bank of blood (Yudin S.S.);
  • 1933 The first renal transplantation (Voronoy Y.Y.);
  • 1937 The first artificial heart was invented (by Demihov V.P.);
  • 1946 Heart-lung transplantation (by Demihov V.P.);
  • 1950 The first transplantation of dog’s head with saving absolutely all neural activity (by Demihov V.P.);
  • 1952 Ilizarov frame was invented (by Ilizarov G.A.);
  • 1973 The first surgery for glaucoma was made (by Fedorov S.N.);
  • 1990 A.G. Aganesov was the first in the world who could stitch up human’s spinal column;
  • 2016 Russian scientists registered vaccine against Ebola virus disease, this vaccine was declared by WHO as the most effective.
  • 2020 all countries in the world faced pandemic of Coronavirus Covid -19, that changed lives of milliards of people on the planet. And Russian scientists were the first who certified the first vaccine against coronavirus “Sputnik-V”, that is recommended by WHO. Russian doctors and scientists worked out a number of effective drugs and methods against Covid-19 and its complications. The mortality from coronavirus in Russia is the lowest in the world.


Why to come to Russia for treatment and rest with «Health and Travel»?


  1. Annually the popularity of medical tourism in Russia is growing. In 2019 we met 546 000 + medical tourist in Russia from different countries.
  2. We offer high quality services and a wide range of medical services in all fields of medicine. Experienced and qualified health workers and doctors perform the most complicated surgeries with modern advanced equipment. Newest methods of medical check-up, high-value treatment and aftercare plans.
  3. Affordable prices. The fees for treatment in Russia are much lower than in many other countries. Some medical services are several times lower-cost. Let us say, heart vascular stenting in Russia costs 3500 USD, in Germany 7500 euros, in Israel 19770 USD.  Surgery for gray star with IOL implantation costs in Russia 450 USD, in Israel 2000 USD, in Germany 5000 euros.
  4. Average price for surgery for phlebology in Russia is around 1000 USD, in Europe 4000-5000 USD, in USA – 4500 USD. You can save your money and get new travel experience if you come in Russia for your treatment and rest! It is well known that new impressions make us happier and healthier!
  5. Well-developed infrastructure. It is easy to come to Russia for treatment as in Russia there are huge transport hubs, airports, railway stations, river-boat stations and others. “Health and Travel” Organization will help you to get invitation letter and visa.
  6. We’ll guide you at every step, making all procedures easier. We make out documents, provide you with language support, transfer, find best solutions and conditions, provide you with accommodation, arrange your leisure time with pleasure!



You are welcome to Russia for your treatment and rest with «Health and Travel» Organization!