
Neurosurgery solves medical problems by surgical treatment of pathologies and nervous disorders.

As a separate subject Neurosurgery appeared the beginning of the 20th century great to  progress in the field of neurology  and development of surgical technics. Contemporary neurosurgery deals with problems of surgical and non-surgical treatment of numerous nervous system diseases. Neurosurgery solves problems of tumors in brain and pith, traumas in central nervous system, peripheral nerves, infections of nervous system and anomaly of its development.

One of actual problems today is osteochondrosis  and spinal disc herniation. One of important direction in neurosurgery is treatment of disturbed circulation in brain, that can lead to cerebral accident. New directions in vascular surgery allow to reach new successful results in reconstructive surgery of disturbed circulation in brain. These are some of the modern methods: carotid endarterectomy (allow to take away athero­sclerotic plaques from carotids), application of extra-intracranial vascular electrodes (provides brain with additional source of blood supply), balloon angioplasty and vascular stenting.

Surgical treatment of epilepsy is one of modern achievements of neurosurgical medicine. Earlier epilepsy was treated only with medicamentous therapy, but this way of treatment was not often effective, but today the development of stereotaxis allows to treat successfully epilepsy  great to surgical methods.  One of serious direction in neurosurgery is still treatment of brain tumors. Apart from surgical treatment realized with obligatory craniotomy to reach tumor there are other methods of treatment such as radio-surgical ones, like stereotactic radiosurgery, that involves tumor’s radiation with a strong radiative flows under different sides.

The best part is that neurosurgery reduced to practice newest methods in anesthesia and reanimation, that allowed to control vital functions of a human body during and after neurosurgical operative treatment. The methods of intravascular surgery and microsurgery are without dispute future oriented.

Development in neurosurgery is closely connected with achievements in diagnostics, the newest exact methods appeared great to this connection, such as computer tomography, magnetic resonance tomography, ultrasound methods. Without these diagnostic methods many neurosurgical pathologies could stay untreated. Neurosurgery today is developed exponentially that allows to advance the other direction of medicine.

The success, achieved in all directions of neurosurgery, enlarged the application of radical surgery and reduced essentially postoperative lethality. Further use of scientific achievements of physics, electronics, cybernetics, radiology and of other sciences will help to treat glial tumors, hard head injuries, epilepsy. The progress in neurosurgery enriches other disciplines, like neuropathology, mental science, neurophysiology, psychology and others.

Russian medical centers have newest technical diagnostic and operative equipment. Qualified doctors use newest methods of magnetic resonance tomography, tomographic scanners, newest neuroendoscopy and neuronavigation technics, gamma knife and others.

The use of high-quality equipment in diagnostics, neurosurgical treatment allows to raise efficiency and as a result the soonest return of patients to normal life.

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Leading medical centers in the direction Neurosurgery