
Oncology studies different oncological diseases of all systems and members of the body, the reasons of disease, its development, diagnostic methods, ways of treatment and preventive measures.

Oncological disease takes the second place in currency in the world after heart and vascular diseases.

Why do tumors appear? Due to many provoking reasons, DNA chain is damaged and as a result civilized cells are regenerated as cancer’s cells. The cells start to grow in disorder, to reproduce and they are spread to the nearest tissues and organs.

Annually 10 mln. of people hear their diagnosis of an oncological disease.  According to the WHO statistics the most general oncological disease are breast cancer, cervical cancer and prostate carcinoma.

Usually, oncologists advise to make medical examinations, such as:

  • Oncologist’s examination.
  • Consultations of specialists.
  • Family history and patient intake.
  • General analysis.
  • Ultrasonography.
  • X-ray radiography.
  • Endoscopy.
  • Mammography.
  • Cancer-specific marker tests.
  • Paracentesis.
  • Computer tomography (CT).
  • Magnetic-resonance imaging.

Oncology often becomes the reason of death, most often people suffer and can die because of lung cancer, colon cancer, hepatic or gastric cancer. But clear-cell carcinoma or bladder cancer, leukemias, melanoma and pancreatic cancer are less common. Among children the most frequent are neuroblastoma, lymphadenoma, melanoma, leucosis, retinoblastoma, osteoblastic sarcoma, Wilms tumor.

These are the main methods of modern cancer treatment:

  • Radiation treatment (radiology) – a tumor is exposed to radiation with special machines. As a result, the tumor stops growing and is decreased in size. 
  • Chemotherapy – special medical injections damage a tumor.
  • Surgical treatment – during the surgery a tumor is eliminated with metastatic lesions and damaged lymph gland.

“Cyber Knife” has made evolution in oncology treatment. This method has been used for the past 15 years and saved lives of millions of people all over the world. The main advantage of Cyber Knife is the noninvasiveness, that allow to reach the deepest inaccessible places not available for traditional surgery. Radiosurgery helps when surgery is helpless.

Another modern method is “Gamma Knife”, a special machine for radiosurgery treatment  of cerebral and spinal disease treatment. This method is very effective and safe. Modern Gamma Knife machines in Russia allow to eliminate tumors not only in brain, but in tissues of head and neck.   

Great to professionals and approved technologies oncological diseases are not the verdict today. Many oncological diseases are well treated in early stages. Anyway, the patient’s will and mental determination helps doctors in treatment. 

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Leading medical centers in the direction Oncology