International tourists visited Russia for medical tourism despite the world COVID-19 restrictions

Great to Russian successful experience in the fight against the new coronavirus infection, the Government of the Russian Federation is lifting restrictions and international tourists can arrive in Russia.

High vaccination rate, effective COVID-19 treatment and medicine, new vaccines allow tourists to travel in Russia safely. Today Russia has 4 registered vaccines, that are successfully adapted for the new COVID-19 strains.  A single dose COVID-19 effective vaccine Sputnik-Light is available for foreign tourists.

Open Russian borders and high-quality medical services in Russia open the door to dynamics of medical tourism in Russia.

Snow, winter frost, New Year holidays, illuminated with Christmas decorations city create Christmas mood and during this period attract tourists from the hottest sunny countries.

«Health and Travel» Organization is a qualified and authorized assistant in Russia, helping medical tourists to get the best conditions and guidance in Russia.

We are happy to provide you with professional services and pleasant impressions. Travel to Russia for health and enjoy your trip with «Health and Travel» Organization!