
Urology is the branch of medicine that focuses on diagnostic methods, development and treatment of diseases of urinary tract system and the male reproductive organs. Organs under domain of urology include kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, urinary bladder and men reproductive organs, as urinary and reproductive tracts are closely linked, the disorders often affect each other. A urologist should detect the problems, and the exact diagnostics is a key-player.

The most frequent symptoms are:

  • Discomfort and pain in urination – itching, hot feeling, cutting, soreness.
  • Pain in areas of urinary organs projection – in the small of back, belly, reproductive organs (the pain can be dull, drawing, nagging, acute, stabbing).
  • Any inclusions in urine –blood, mucus, purulence.
  • Frequent uresiesthesia, sometimes fallacious.
  • Appearance of skin rash, reddening on edea.
  • Unpleasant feelings in the process of sexual intercourse.
  • Weakening of sexual vigor with men.

The methods of therapy are chosen only after exact diagnostics and detecting of reasons of disease. Urologists can choose conservative methods (pharmaceutical treatment and physiotherapy) or surgical handle.

A group of medicaments can be used as a part of pharmaceutical treatment:

  • Analgize medicaments reduce pain syndrome.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs are widely used to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and bring down a high temperature.
  • Diuretics promote diuresis, the increased production of urine.
  • Systematic antibiotics attack infectious agent.
  • Means of improvement of blood microcirculation stimulate blood and lymph flows.
  • Immunoamplifiers and immunomodulators are necessary for immune system reinforcement.
  • Vitamin products are always good for any biochemical processes in our body.

Physiotherapy potentiates pharmaceutical treatment, speeds up the process of incarnation after surgical operations, increases protective potency and regenerative abilities of our body. These are popular physiotherapeutical methods:

  • Electrophoresis stimulates metabolic process and speeds up the “delivery” of medicaments to the required area.
  • Magnetotherapy meliorates tissue nutrition and oxygenation, starts reconstructive process.
  • Amplipulse is effectively used to treat injuries and various diseases, to restore the body after surgery. This procedure improves blood supply and creates anaesthetic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Laser radiation (including intravascular laser blood irradiation) eliminates the main inflammation patterns.
  • Laser vacuum massage restores blood circulation and improves regeneration processes.

Surgical treatment is used for physical traumas, oncological diseases, inborn defects, chronical inflammation with sclerostenosis and formation of necrotic patches. Surgical treatment is a last resort and is used only when the conservative medicine does not help.

Among poplar surgical procedures we can number:

  • Surgery for elimination of uroclepsia – an implantation of prosthetic sphincter, sling operations.
  • Kidney surgery – nephrostomy, nephrectomy.
  • Kidney transplantation.
  • Bladder surgery– cystostomy.
  • Reconstructive surgery after cystectomy.

Health of urogenital system is an essential factor of full-quality life.

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