Rehabilitation (Physical Medicine)

Rehabilitation (or aftertreatment/physical medicine) is a remedial treatment, complex of medical, psychological, pedagogical and social measures, aimed to rehabilitation of different body functions and systems. Physical medicine is care that can help you get back, keep, or improve abilities that you need for daily life. These abilities may be physical, mental, and/or cognitive (thinking and learning). You may have lost them because of a disease or injury, or as a side effect from a medical treatment.

The major goal of physical medicine and rehabilitation treatment is to help a person function optimally within the limitations placed upon them by a disabling impairment or disease process for which there is no known cure. The emphasis is not on the full restoration to the premorbid level of function, but rather the optimization of the quality of life for those not able to achieve full restoration. A team approach to chronic conditions is emphasized to coordinate care of patients. Comprehensive rehabilitation is provided by specialists in this field, who act as facilitators, team leaders, and medical experts for rehabilitation.

Medical rehabilitation includes a wide range of measures, focused on recovering of lost abilities. All these measures allow to make aftertreatment process easier and more successful, making the treatment results higher.

Rehabilitation services represent a strategy of social healthcare, focused on necessities of a group of people.

These are some popular rehabilitation measures:

  • Exercises for swallow functional recovery or recovery of movement co-ordination, agility and body mobility after cerebral accident.
  • For aged people a number of measures focused on safe staying at home, reduction of falling risk. One example is balance exercises, modification of furniture at home.
  • Early intervention measures for improvement of results for children, suffering from cerebral palsy: selection of foot orthoses, development of sensor integration and self-care skills. These measures allow to involve children to educational activities, games, family and social life.
  • Measures focused on optimization of results after surgery, treatment after fractures of thigh: exercises, providing with adjunct mobility means, special consultations.
  • Cognitive-behavioural therapy and measures aimed to improve physical activity of people, suffering from mental depression.
  • Measures, focused on helping to blind people in their everyday life.

A group of doctors, including physiatrists, logopaedists, behavior and work therapy specialists, supervisors for language function restore, orthoses engineers, prothesists and many other are aimed to enhance and restore functional ability and quality of life to people with physical impairments or disabilities.

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Leading medical centers in the direction Rehabilitation (Physical Medicine)