Pregnancy, Childbirth and Puerperium

Instinct of perpetuation of oneself is the most powerful among human instincts. Nature took care about it and created a complicated reproductive body system, that allows us to be a part of natural miracle.

If you want to give birth to a healthy baby, you should plan everything beforehand. But all ladies know that women’s bodies feel stress during pregnancy and after childbirth. Organs work twice harder, endocrine, immune and nervous systems become more vulnerable. That is why doctors advise to start preparation for pregnancy 3-4 months before. It is recommended to get rid of bad habits, organize daily routine correctly, prefer healthy diet, visit medical specialists to eliminate diseases and risks.

The first specialist woman should visit is a gynecologist, who should examine female reproductive system.

Before pregnancy it is also advised to visit a therapeutic to do a check-up and treat long-term illness. To avoid development of pockets of infection it is better to see an otolaryngologist and a dentist. If your family has any hereditary conditions you should make an appointment with a geneticist. Only a complex diagnostic can predict the arrival of a healthy baby.

All woman planning pregnancy should make general tests:

  • biochemical blood assay and clinical blood analysis;
  • blood test for chlamydial infection, mycoplasmosis, candidia infection for the both  partners;
  • clinical urine analysis;
  • Rh factor tests for the both partners;
  • antibody test for HIV, roseola, toxoplasma infection, hepatitis B and C;
  • coagulation test;
  • pelvic ultrasound  and colposcopy;
  • blood sugar test.

Depending medical background a doctor can advise some more tests individually:

  • If a woman has problems with an impregnation or irregular menstrual cycle, it is recommended to check sex hormones;
  • If a woman has problems with a thyroid, she should have tests for thyroid hormones;
  • In case of frequent miscarriages or infertility, a number of special tests and examinations should be done.

According to the statistics, around 20% of marriages face infertility problems, but today these problems can be solved with the help of special fertility clinics. Diagnosis of infertility is not a reason for despair. Modern technologies allow many people who could not have babies get a chance to have a lusty child and feel happiness of parenthood.

«Health and Travel» will guide you at all steps in pregnancy follow-up and childbirth!

Leading medical centers in the direction Pregnancy, Childbirth and Puerperium